Cover Letter

During module three, I submitted a nonfiction personal essay. The essay is about a moment in my life where I faced my fears and believed in myself to do something I always dreamed of. I pushed myself to try out for my high school’s dance team and I described the self doubts prior to me going to try outs and the process of working hard after I got on the team. My intended purpose is this essay is to inspire others that they shouldn’t wait to take action on what they want to do, even if they fail, get up and try again. My intended audience was a general audience, mostly leaning towards those who also share self doubt and fear. I used uncomplicated vocabulary and elaborately described my feelings using simple figurative language to catch the attention of the reader. My introduction and conclusion are tailored to those who are afraid of chasing their dreams because I depict the roller coaster metaphor to show my intense fear and at the end I use a Lemony Snicket quote and advise to the reader that they should go out and face their fears. Meaning insights I gained during this phase was turning a true story into a deeply engaging and emotional piece that simulates a fictional story with the major aspects of storytelling. I learned to dig deeper into my emotions to explain exactly how I was thinking in the moment I was writing about. Concepts I have practiced during this module were brainstorming during class, editing, and participating through the open mic. Brainstorming in class help me narrow down my ideas and outline each one that seemed promising to see what that would entail. Editing my work helped me see what flowed better and what concepts needed more elaboration. Professor feedback allowed me to understand what I was doing well and what I could work on. The open mic allowed me to verbally speak my words and see how it sounded. It also allowed me to receive verbal feedback from my classmates that helped me to better my writing. This phase’s assignment helped me strongly achieve the eighth course learning outcome, “Produce the major aspects of storytelling: characterization, setting, voice, tone, and plot, in their own finished work to grow in confidence as writers”. I was able to turn my experiences into characterization, showing the growth of a low point to a high point in my life. I went into detail of why I felt that way with an example from middle school and ended it with the success of me being on stage. I showcased the setting of schools, both my middle and high school, more so my high school. I described the walls of the school and the dance studio having mirrors for walls all around and the black smooth floors. I used voice and tone throughout the piece, a tone of sadness and doubt in the beginning and building up to a confident and content tone towards the end. The plot was interesting to plan out because instead of it being fictional, it was a genuine experience that happened to me. I started with the conflict and depicted the rising actions like the middle school event and sophomore tryouts and reached the climax with the senior year tryouts. I concluded it with a satisfactory ending of me being on stage and hearing the applause. The class worksheet of plotting out a story that was used in the short story module was actually a big help for this assignment as well. I appreciated the chance to write about my own experiences in a creative light and I feel more confident in writing about real events and how to describe human emotions.